Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Hello all,
So internet here is not as good as I thought... finally I found a place where I can get on to my blog, though I have to buy a drink to do it (I shouldn't be complaining about 8yuan/$1, but I am). I thought I would post some pictures of our time in Xining. I am trying my best to catch you up to where I am now, which is Chengdu, but I still have at least two more posts until I can do that!
Xining was as a team on of our favorite places. We spent over two weeks in the city over all, visiting workers there, and getting involved in college life, street life, and every other life we could.

A view of part of Xining from our penthouse hostel!

This is what happens when you are the first one to wear a seatbelt of a certain taxi since it was sold
We just loved this picture of Matthew

Another view of Xining, this time from a temple just outside the city on the side of the mountain

Muslims lining up to pray... During Ramadan, they claim over 200,000 come on Friday to pray. They stop up the street for a mile or so!
After visiting the extremely dark Temple outside Xining, we recieved an amazing surprise, by finding a Church tucked away down a small street a mile from the temple. Although not necessarily a light in the community, it was a wonderful reminder to us of how secretly God sometimes works.

The second largest Mosque in Asia... Hardly known of, since many don't know about Xining, China.

Part of our team with one of the many great beards of Xining

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