Saturday, September 3, 2011


Here are some things that I've learned while being in China... Maybe this is a little pessimistic, but I think it's a healthy way to fume

Police can drive on the sidewalk when needed.

MSG is to China as Salt is to America, Chinese add a little of it to every dish to make it taste better! (In the kitchen it looks like salt with long thin grains)

Chocolate is to America as Red Bean paste is to China

I never knew how much of an animal we Americans don't use, until I've seen a piece of pork meat here, with one third of it being meat, one third being fat, and the other third being the skin.

Cleanliness inside the home is a virtue... cleanliness on the outside of the home is not.

In China, you don't eat the skin of the grapes.

Police cars are not only for policemen...

Slapping yourself is good excersise, and is the regular morning practice of most old Chinese people.

Air conditioners are unhealthy. If they use them, they will often also open the windows.

It's not impolite to stare... starring contests can happen anytime, anywhere

In case of traffic confusion, stick to one rule: The biggest vehicle has the right-of-way

In China, the dressing room areas are co-ed...

I think they have more KFC's in China than in America.

Fruit is very easy to open in China... with all the growth hormones in them, sometimes they open themselves (some bananas I buy are partly peeled because the peels are too small for the bananas inside).

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