Monday, June 20, 2011

Update #1!

Hello everyone,
I praise the Father for allowing me to update this... In China it's not exactly as easy as I thought it would be!
We about to be in week 3 here! These past two weeks have flown by fast, but it still feels like we've been here for quite some time!
Our first week was a good transition time. We stayed in the American style houses of Shanghai, while working with the needy in the area. Our days were filled with babies... and lots of dirt, as we helped place sod for a new location for an orphanage. It was a great start to our time here.
Last week, we headed to Sam's hometown, to spend time with his family, and the college campus in town! It was an exciting time working with Chinese students the same age as us. At the end of the week, we had a group gathering over at some friends' house, where Sam presented his story. People responed in amazing ways! My friend Richard immediately turned to me and told me he needed to convert! It was amazing to see everyone's reaction to one story.
This time was an amazing time for our team. Our team bonded this last week beyond my wildest dreams. It was absoutely amazing seeing everyone come out of their shells and opening up to one another! I praise the Father for this incredible unity, and I am confident it will remain.
This last week was not all roses, however. Our team got pretty tired of Chinese food (eating in the cafeteria is certainly cheap, but tiring...), and were bombarded with rain every day except for the last day. In addition we had two sicknesses on the group (including me), and almost everyone felt sick for at least some small time. Personally, I haven't felt 100% since I've gotten here, whether feeling sick, anxious, or just distracted... I'm confused as to what of this is Him (it has certainly helped to humble me), and what is from the enemy. Please, please be lifting me up... I want to be dependent on Him, and I want to be coming back to Him continually... but I feel like my time here has been attacked a lot, and I just need help from my friends to conquer this.

Now, we are t-minus 25 hours until we fly to the next destination in the West! We are tired, but I am still excited to see what He has in store of us.
For the team we have very important requests:

Satisfaction with Chinese Food!
The Girls- Value in Christ, and not on the makeup and stuff they don't have here!
The Guys- Continued communication and Spiritual Health

Thank you guys so much for being remaining a part of my life. I love you all dearly

p.s- If you have tried to reach me on skype, I apologize... I left myself logged on to my mom's computer. Now it should be off, so when I'm on, I will be on in China!
p.s.s- Here are some pictures to reward you for reading  :)

The girls on Haley's birthday, with some Chinese friends
The guys

Jenga became a staple game for connecting us with Chinese students

I won the competition on getting the furthest up the giant circle.

For those of you who know Sam, here is a new side of him that we discovered at his home... One of many priceless pictures from his past.

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